Monday 7 October 2013

Has your GP refused to help provide you with medical evidence?

"As all of you will no doubt be aware, Black Triangle and our sister organisation Disabled People Against Cuts have assembled a first-class legal team to take forward legal action against Local Medical Committees and individual GPs who have launched a disgraceful ‘Just Say No’ to providing Further Medical Evidence Campaign.
This campaign seeks to persuade GPs to deny sick and/or disabled patients the Further Medical Evidence (FME) required to support their ESA applications and achieve justice before First-Tier Social Security Appeals Tribunals.
We have already identified a number of cases with “standing”.
Our law requires that the party, or parties bringing a case before the courts must demonstrate:
“sufficient interest in the matter to which the application relates”
“an individual who is directly affected by a decision or other measure” who will on that basis have a “sufficient interest”.
In our case, this means anyone who has requested FME from their GP to support their case with the DWP and has been refused (Their refusal to provide FME is the matter to which our legal action relates).
We now invite as many of you as possible who have been refused FME under this policy to make contact with us immediately so we can progress our case further, in the most legally watertight manner achievable, without further delay.
Sick and/or disabled people deserve and have an absolute right to expect better than this from our medical professionals.
The LMCs ‘Just Say No’ Campaign is a a disgraceful betrayal of patients by LMCs from across Britain.
It is, quite frankly, mercenary behaviour that is both morally repugnant and, as we shall fully demonstrate, unlawful.
We are going to put a stop to it.
In the initial stage, please text John McArdle at 07778316875 with ‘Refused FME by my GP’ in the line. We will then phone you back to discuss your case and take it from there.
Yours in solidarity
John McArdle
Black Triangle Campaign
Edinburgh, 7th October 2013"

(Copied and pasted from the black triangle website ) 

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